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Tenant Move In Process For Park City Property Management


Here are a few helpful tips I've compiled for when a tenant moves in that are great for Park City property management. The ultimate goal of a tenant move in is to make it as painless as possible while educating the tenant on the property and setting expectations. You also want to make sure there is an agreement on the condition of the property so you are less likely to have any disagreements or problems when the tenant moves out. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just a few crucial things that I have found to be of great benefit to anyone in Salt Lake City property management.

House or Community Rules

property management salt lake cityIf your Park City long term rentals are part of a condominium community you should have a copy of the community rules and this should be your starting point. Your lease should include mention of house or community rules and the violation of those rules should be considered a violation of the lease. Set clear expectations with your tenants that those rules are meant to be followed and they are expected to do so. There may even be instances where the community rules are not enough for your particular rental property. For example the community rules could allow residents to have a dog or cat but you as the property owner are not willing to allow that. Make sure you have specific house rules as well if they differ or go beyond the community rules. 

Checklist and Walkthrough

Providing a checklist to the tenants that can be used to make note of any conditions present in the condo, already existing damage, or items that need to be repaired is a crucial thing for Park City property management. I typically give the move in form to the tenants and allow them a few days to fill it out before turning it in. It is often difficult for a person to notice everything about a property by performing a brief walkthrough. In my opinion a walkthrough is great for noting the general condition of a property but a checklist or move in form is ideal for a more through reporting of the condition of the property. Another key feature to have on a move in form is prices for replacement or cleaning of common items. This way the tenant is aware they may be charged a specific amount for certain items should the not take care of them upon move out. 

Copy of The Lease

Perhaps this is a no-brainer but you should always give a copy of the lease to the tenant. Not only is the tenant going to want to know what they just signed (if they haven't read it already) but they may actually need the lease for certain things. Perhaps they need to provide proof of residency for things like a new driver's license, setting up utilities or getting the mail forwarded. It can also help reduce the number of questions a tenant has as they can easily refer back to the document. I have also put together some information about lease end that can be of value too. Click on "Park City Property Management - 3 Key Time Periods For Lease End" for more information.

If you would like more information on the tenant move in process, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.

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